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Open lectures online

Open lectures online

Take a look at our popular science lectures in video form, which are examples of materials that take into account the needs of persons with disabilities. Each lecture has been prepared in a version with subtitles and interpretation into Polish sign language, as well as in a version with audio description. Teachers at our University who would like to deliver an accessible and disability-friendly lecture with us are welcome as our collaborators.

Lecture: Why do we want to change the world, or about the psychology of activism

Why do people engage in collective action? What makes certain issues important to us and why do we want others to notice them? How can common goals unite different social groups? What role do social norms play? You will learn about all this in a lecture by Dr Joanna Grzymała-Moszczyńska from the Institute of Psychology, Jagiellonian University, entitled ‘Why do we want to change the world, or the psychology of activism’. 
Moral convictions foster action in solidarity with other social groups. It is also very important to be convinced of the value of a given subject in relation to other ones. A collective sense of efficacy is also important. A group with similar values is able to take action that has the potential to make a difference for the whole group. Examples of such actions can be found in this video.
The lecture includes sign language interpretation. A version with audio description is available on our YouTube channel.

Accessible video (in Polish and Polish sign language)
Speaker: Joanna Grzymała-Moszczyńska, PhD, Institute of Psychology, JU

Sign language interpreter: Aneta Uhruska, JU Accessibility Centre
Subtitles (Polish version): Justyna Wasłowicz-Marczak, JU Accessibility Centre
Audio description (Polish version): Marta Bylica, JU Accessibility Centre

The lecture about changing the world in Polish sign language:

The lecture about changing the world with audio description:

Lecture: The TikTokisation of culture

We invite you to listen to a lecture on the TikTokisation of culture given by Dr Aleksander Powierska from the Institute of Audiovisual Arts at the Jagiellonian University. What is the TikTokisation? It is the likening of social media to TikTok and, in a broader sense, the likening of other forms of communication as well as narrative styles to TikTok. 
How does the creation of audiovisual content affect the changing social media? How does TikTok differ from other social media platforms? How does the algorithm work on TikTok?

As users of social content, we are in filter bubbles, which means that algorithms select content for us according to our beliefs and preferences, so we feel that everyone thinks like us.  Is it possible to go beyond one’s filter bubble? During the lecture, the speaker discusses new trends present in social media.

Accessible video (in Polish and Polish sign language) 

Speaker: Aleksandra Powierska, PhD, Institute of Audiovisual Arts, JU

Polish sign language interpreter: Aneta Uhruska, JU Accessibility Centre
Subtitles (Polish version): Justyna Wasłowicz-Marczak, JU Accessibility Centre
Audio description (Polish version): Marta Bylica, JU Accessibility Centre

Lecture about the TikTokisation of culture with interpretation into Polish sign language:

Lecture about the TikTokisation with partial audio description:

Lecture: Therapeutic literature as a support in times of crises

We invite you to listen to a great lecture about literature that helps to live. The speaker, Wanda Matras-Mastalerz, PhD from the University of the Commission for National Education in Cracow, introduces many suggestions for books that support children, adolescents and adults in various mental crises. The content of the books supports treatment and is a form of prevention. When we pick up a book, we filter it through the prism of our own experiences. By playing the role of a character from a book, we can work through difficult emotions from a safe perspective. Books create a space for dialogue with others and ourselves. Books that resonate with us psychologically support our mental resilience. 

The lecture also presents books that offer guidance on how to cope with the more difficult moments in our lives, how to build mental hygiene, and an attitude of committed life balance and conscious development. 

During the talk, the speaker also discusses what word ecology is, cites the universal tale of Socrates’ three sieves, explains what logotherapy, or therapy through words, and fables, or wisdom stories, is all about. The lecture also answers the question of how the language of the giraffe differs from that of the jackal. 

The lecture brims with anecdotes and inspiring examples from literature. Accessible video (in Polish and Polish sign language)

Speaker: Wanda Matras-Mastalerz, PhD, University of the National Education Commission (formerly the Pedagogical University) in Cracow, Polish Book Therapy Society in Wrocław 

Polish sign language interpreter: Aneta Uhruska, JU Accessibility Centre
Subtitles: Justyna Wasłowicz-Marczak, JU Accessibility Centre
Audio description: Marta Bylica, JU Accessibility Centre
Lecture provider: JU Accessibility Centre

Lecture about therapeutic literature with interpretation into Polish sign language:

Lecture about therapeutic literature with audio description:

Lecture: Stimulants in works of art

We invite you to enter the fascinating world of art history and listen to the wonderful and colourful stories of Prof. Jerzy Silberring from the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow. 

The lecture on stimulants in works of art presents various artists creating their works over several epochs and their paintings in which they indicated the presence of stimulants.  Sometimes this indicated their boisterous lifestyle, and sometimes through their paintings they warned against the fatal consequences of abusing various substances. The painters discussed include Paolo Veronese, Michelangelo, Peter Paul Rubens, Diego Velazquez, Anthony van Dyck, Titian, Jan Steen, Michelangelo Caravaggio, Jan Vermeer, Henri Toulouse-Lautrec, and Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz. In this lecture you will learn many interesting facts about the life of the bohemian artistic community and the secrets of the work of painters in times gone by.

Accessible video (in Polish and Polish sign language)
Polish sign language interpreter: Aneta Uhruska, JU Accessibility Centre
Audio description: Marta Bylica, JU Accessibility Centre

Lecture about stimulants in works of art with interpretation into Polish sign language:


Lecture about stimulants in works of art with audio description:


Lecture: Behavioural addictions: what they are and how to protect oneself against them

We invite you to listen to an incredibly important lecture these days on behavioural addictions, among others to digital technology. It happens to all of us that we sit with our noses in our smartphones. Often, we are unaware of the passing time we spend browsing social networks, news sites or using various mobile apps. When does our habit of constantly checking our phone turn into an addiction? How do we deal with it? What are the warning signs to look out for and when should we allow ourselves to log off online? How can we skilfully enjoy the benefits of digital technology at our fingertips without feeling like we are losing control? 

Joanna Kłosowska, PhD from the Institute of Psychology at the Jagiellonian University talks about all this in a very interesting and accessible way.

Accessible video (in Polish and Polish sign language)
Polish sign language interpreter: Aneta Uhruska, JU Accessibility Centre
Audio description: Marta Bylica, JU Accessibility Centre

Lecture about addictions with interpretation into Polish sign language:

Lecture about addictions with audio description:


Lecture: Permissible use of copyright-protected works for the educational needs of persons with disabilities

What does copyright law protect? What are the rules that govern the use of works? What is the difference between the public domain and a publicly accessible work? And finally, what is fair use and how can it be used to support persons with disabilities? The answers to these questions are included in the next open lecture we have prepared for you. The speakers also explain how students with disabilities themselves can use various types of material shared in class or found on the internet under the Copyright Act. The lecture, entitled ‘Permitted use of copyright-protected works for the educational needs of persons with disabilities’ was delivered by Sybilla Stanisławska-Kloc, PhD and Justyna Ożegalska- Trybalska, PhD of the JU Faculty of Law and Administration.

Accessible video (in Polish and Polish sign language)
Polish sign language interpreter: Aneta Uhruska, JU Accessibility Centre
Audio description: Marta Bylica, JU Accessibility Centre

Lecture about permissible use of copyright-protected works with interpretation into Polish sign language:

Lecture about permissible use of copyright-protected works with audio description:

Lecture: Evacuation of persons with disabilities: things everyone should know

Speaker: Małgorzata Perdeus-Białek, trainer at the JU AC, fire safety inspector

We invite you to a lecture on evacuating persons with disabilities. The presentation addresses the steps to be taken when an alarm is sounded in buildings and in a fire emergency. What happens in a building when an evacuation is announced? The speaker answers this question by focusing her attention on the needs of persons with specific needs, including those with disabilities. The lecture is delivered by Małgorzata Perdeus-Białek, a trainer at the JU AC and a fire safety inspector. 

Interpreted into Polish sign language by Aneta Uhruska and provided by the JU Accessibility Centre.

Lecture about evacuation with interpretation into Polish sign language:

Lecture about evacuation with audio description:

Lecture: The social responsibility of universities

Speaker: Prof. Janina Filek, Chair of Philosophy, Cracow School of Economics 

We would like to invite you to a lecture on the social responsibility of higher education institutions delivered by Prof. Janina Filek, PhD from the Cracow School of Economics. Why do we think and reflect on the social responsibility of universities, when responsibility is already written in the DNA of such institutions? The speaker answers this question by going back to philosophical sources and explaining the origins of the concept of social responsibility, its historical dimension and what it means today.
Polish sign language interpreter: Aneta Uhruska. 

Provider: Jagiellonian University Disability Support Service (now the JU Accessibility Centre).

Lecture about social responsibility with interpretation into Polish sign language:

Lecture about social responsibility with audio description:


Lecture: The Romantic university

Speaker: Bogusław Wajzer, researcher of literature, teacher at the JU Faculty of Polish Studies, staff member at the JU Educational Support Centre

We invite you to a lecture on the literature of Romanticism. On the one hand, the speaker will talk about the university in the Romantic era, while on the other, you will learn the answer to the question of how the university was understood by Romantic thinkers and poets. What is the etymology of the word ‘university’? How was the term understood in the past and how do we perceive it today? How can the ballad ‘Romanticism’ by Mickiewicz be understood today, in retrospect? The lecture is accompanied by significant quotations from the sources of humanist culture. The lecture was given by Bogusław Wajzer, a literature researcher, teacher at the Faculty of Polish Studies of the Jagiellonian University and employee of the Educational Support Centre of the Jagiellonian University.

Polish sign language interpreter: Aneta Uhruska, JU Accessibility Centre.

Lecture with interpretation into Polish sign language:

Lecture with audio description: